You will perhaps need to consider a frenuloplasty if you are having difficulty in retracting the foreskin of your penis.
This may be due to a covering of skin that attaches the penis head to the penis that becomes very tight. This tightness may restrict movement and prevent the foreskin from retracting over the head of the penis. This condition is called frenulum breve or short frenulum and can cause problems such as:
Fortunately, frenulum breve or short frenulum can be easily fixed with Frenuloplasty.It is a quick and straight forward procedure that can be performed in-clinic with no complications. The incision will take a couple weeks to heal but patients can expect to experience an increased range of penile motion and pain free erections, making sexual intercourse more enjoyable.
The Frenuloplasty procedure is a 30-minute doctor procedure that can be performed using just a numbing cream.
The tight band of skin is cut horizontally and released. The skin is then closed using tiny dissolving stitches running lengthways along the frenulum to increase its length. Antibiotic ointment and dressing are then applied.
There will be a slight discomfort for 24 hours but most patients will be fully healed and back to normal within 1 week.